Change Can Be Good – How to Replace Bad Habits During Times of Change

Change Can Be Good – How to Replace Bad Habits During Times of Change

Life is change by definition, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t scary. In fact, many of us are creatures of habit and don’t like it when things change, even for the better.
But there is value in change that you may not notice at first. In fact, major life transitions – such as starting a new job, moving to a new city, or graduating from high school or college – are prime opportunities to improve your life and get rid of bad habits that may be weighing you down.
With that in mind, PILPOC breaks down how you can replace your bad habits during major times of life change.
Change Your Job
Many of us have bad habits because we're stressed out, and lots of folks suffer most of their daily stress from their workplaces. In some cases, just sticking with a toxic job can be a bad habit in and of itself.
If you’re in a job that is overly stressful or is no longer challenging, it might be time for a career change! Switching careers can improve your mental health and your long-term professional prospects.
Not sure where to start, or whether you qualify for your dream career? Online degree programs are flexible, affordable, and perfect for juggling multiple obligations or responsibilities at once. Just be sure to choose an online school that’s fully accredited and has competitive tuition rates.
Get Rid of Toxic Relationships
Moving away from your hometown or switching cities for a new career are both opportunities to get rid of toxic relationships and the baggage that come with them. For instance, maybe you and your significant other haven’t been working out for several months.
Rather than trying to stick with it out of habit, it might be better to cut things off and amicably break up when one of you moves or experiences another life transition. Think of it as a natural stopping point for a relationship that ran its course.
Start a New Hobby/Make New Friends
A new place or a new career is the prime opportunity to start a new hobby, learn a new skill, or even make new friends related to those activities. Just taking up a new habit, like using a PILPOC fidget cube, can alleviate some anxiety from newness and keep you cool and collected.
Say that you want to take up playing the guitar after moving to a new city or starting college. You can attend a guitar class, then meet other people who are also interested in playing the same instrument. This is a great way to experience new, invigorating social situations without any extra effort on your part.
Switch Up Your Diet
During a major life transition, you can take steps to get physically healthier as well. One of the best ways to do this is to switch up your diet and stop eating junk food you may have defaulted to at your old grocery store.
Take a look at what your new grocery store has in stock and choose some healthier items. You might as well take the time to come up with a new and healthy diet plan given that you have to figure out what you should eat in your new location anyway!
Get Into an Exercise Routine
Similarly, getting into a new exercise routine can do wonders for your physical and mental health. If you've changed jobs, broken up, or graduated college, start working out to alleviate anxiety and burn off stress hormones like cortisol.
Not only will this help you feel better in your new routine, but you’ll look and feel better in the long run as well.
Try a New Daily Routine
In fact, trying a completely new daily routine can help you get used to the shifting, novel circumstances of your changed life. If you’ve moved cities and careers, you might as well try new daily routine tips you have heard about before, like:
● Going to bed at the same time each night for better sleep quality
● Practicing new productivity techniques
● Journaling for your mental health and better self-understanding
Lean In to Change – Let It Change You for the Better
In the end, we can’t avoid change in our lives. All we can do is leverage that change to make major improvements so we feel better about ourselves and achieve our goals. Change can be scary – but it can also be enlightening and exciting!
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